Näitan 401–500 tulemust 726-st

  • Osonaator – KJS-6

    Osoonigeneraator Itec KJS-6 on professionaalne lõhna ja õhu desinfitseerimise seade, mis pakub väga kõrget jõudlust. Osonaator sobib võtta kasutusele autosse, korteritesse, hotellidesse ja hooldekodudesse tekkiva lõhna kõrvaldamiseks, suitsu või loomalõhna eemaldamiseks ning tulekahju või veekahjustuste korral. Ebameeldivad lõhnad eemaldatakse eriti kõrge osooniheite tõttu otstarbekalt ja püsivalt. Osoonitud õhu puhumisega tuppa väheneb lõhn ja steriliseeritakse ruum. Selle seadme tööpõhimõte on eriti tugev, mille tulemuseks on kohe märgatavad tulemused.
    Osoonigeneraator Itec KJS-6 on professionaalne lõhnakontrolli ja õhu desinfitseerimise seade, mis pakub väga kõrget jõudlust. Osonaatorit sobib kasutusele võtta autosse, korteritesse, hotellidesse ja hooldekodudesse tekkiva lõhna kõrvaldamiseks, suitsu või loomalõhna eemaldamiseks ning tulekahju või veekahjustuste korral. Ebameeldivad lõhnad eemaldatakse eriti kõrge osooniheite tõttu otstarbekalt ja püsivalt. Osoonitud õhu puhumisega tuppa väheneb lõhn ja ruum steriliseeritakse. Seadme tööpõhimõte on eriti tugev, mille tulemuseks on kohe märgatavad tulemused.
    Oksüdeerimisprotsessis põlevad teatud tüüpi lõhnamolekulid, mis on kahjutuks muudetud. Ainus jääkprodukt pärast oksüdeerimist on hapnik. Osoonimolekulid on õhus aktiivsed pehmetes või poorsetes materjalides nagu kangad ja autosisustus.
    Samal põhimõttel toimub ka õhu steriliseerimine. Osoonimolekulid ründavad bakterite, hallitusseente ja viiruste rakuseinu, muutes need tõhusalt kahjutuks.
    Tõhus lõhnakontroll ilma jääkproduktideta – tõhus osoonigeneraator
    Koroonalahendustehnoloogia abil muudab KJS-6 hapniku osooniks. Osoon on hapniku ebastabiilne vorm. Need aktiivsed molekulid on ebastabiilsed ja otsivad stabiilseid (lõhna) molekule, mis seonduvad ja oksüdeeruvad.
    Sõidukite nõrkade lõhnade eemaldamiseks piisab 15 min töötlemist osooniga. Suuremates ruumides tugevama lõhna korral on soovitatav 8-tunnine tsükliline töötlemine. Seade suudab õhku steriliseerida ruumides kuni 1300 m³ ja muuta see praktiliselt  lõhnatuks. Mikroorganismide eemaldamine sõiduki salongist max 15 minutit.
    Seadme eelised:
    Pikk eluiga
    Väga kõrge jõudlus
    Kompaktsed mõõtmed kasutamiseks paljudes ruumides või sõidukites
    Ükski osade pidev asendamine puudub
    Madal energiatarve
    Osooni teke ilma kõrvalsaaduste või gaasita
    Lõhnade täielik eemaldamine ilma kõrvallõhnadeta

    Osooni generaatorid Itec KJS-6 töötati välja professionaalseks kasutamiseks. Seadet tuleb hoolikalt kasutada. Seadme kasutamise ruumis ei tohi olla inimesi ega loomi. Lisaks tuleb ruumi pärast kasutamist põhjalikult ventileerida, et osoon saaks uuesti laguneda. Palun lugege hoolikalt juhiseid! Kui teil on küsimusi, võtke meiega ühendust. Osoon võib reageerida osade kummist materjalidega.
    Kasutustemperatuur peab olema kõrgem, kui 10 kraadi ja õhuniiskus alla 75%. Vastasel juhul pikeneb osoneerimise aeg oluliselt. Ka mõned looduslikud kummid võivad reageerida osooniga. Metallid, puit, plastmass jne ei oksüdeeru, kuna osoon ei tungi sügavale materjali kihtidesse.

  • Osram LEDvance FLOODLIGHT 50 W

    FL PFM 50 W/4000K SYM 100 WT.

    • Bright, robust and durable
    • Safe and very uniform illumination, due to frosted and tempered glass diffuser
    • No upper light output ratio (ULOR 0%) when mounted at 0° tilt
    • Energy savings of up to 90 % compared to halogen lamp floodlights
  • Päikesepaneel – EcoFlow 400W

    EcoFlow 400W päikesepaneel võimaldab laadida EcoFlow DELTA seeria akujaamasid kiiresti ja efektiivselt.
    Kaasaskantav ja kerge.
    400W väljundvõimsusega on see üks võimsamaid kokkupandavaid päikesepaneele turul. Kaaludes vaid 16 kg on seda mugava kaasas kanda, mida hõlbustab veelgi koti õlarihm.
    Päikesepaneeli kandekotti saab kasutada tugijalana ja see võimaldab reguleerida paneeli kaldenurka vahemikus 40-90° püüdmaks maksimaalselt päikesekiirgust.
    Vastupidav ja ilmastikukindel
    Valmistatud EVA kihtidest ja klaasfiibrist kombineerib 400W päikesepaneel kaasaskantavate paneelide mugavust statsionaarsetele omase vastupidavusega. Päikesepaneel on kaetud ETFE kihiga, kaitsmaks seda prahi, mustuse ja vee eest. IP68 kaitseaste tagab täieliku veekindluse ja võimaldab seda kasutada iga ilmaga.
    Universaalne sobivus
    Tänu universaalsetele MC4 pistikutele sobib päikesepaneel kõigile EcoFlow DELTA Seeria akujaamadele ja ühildub ka teiste tootjate seadmetega.
    Tark päikeseenergia
    EcoFlow 400W päikesepaneeli efektiivsus on 22.4% ja kombineerituna EcoFlow akujaamadega suudab see ammutada päikeseenergiat kogu päeva vältel. Kasutades “Maximum Power Point Tracking” (MPPT) kontrollerit, mis suudab reguleerida võimsust vastavalt hetkeolukorrale, suureneb efektiivsus veelgi.
    Tänu kompaktsele kokkuklapitavale korpusele ja õlarihmaga kotile on 400W päikesepaneeli mugav kaasas kanda ja hoiustada matkaautos või suvilas.

  • Paiste 20″ Symphonic Gong

    Symphonic Gong.

  • Paiste 22″ Symphonic Gong

    Symphonic Gong.

  • Paiste 24″ Symphonic Gong

    Height: 24″/61 cm Impresses with the pleasant, harmonious sound behaviours and the universal sound diversity Balanced with complex overtone behaviours

  • Paiste 26″ Symphonic Gong

    Size: 26″/66 cm Impresses with the pleasant, harmonious sound behaviours and the universal sound diversity Balanced with complex overtone behaviours

  • Paiste 28″ Symphonic Gong

    Size: 28″/71 cm Attractive for its pleasant, harmonic sound and diverse possibilities of use Balanced instrument with complex overtones The best introduction in to the world of Gongs

  • Paiste 30″ Symphonic Gong

    Size: 30″/76 cm Impresses with the pleasant, harmonious sound behaviour and the universal sound diversity Balanced with complex overtone behaviours

  • Paiste 32″ Symphonic Gong

    Symphonic Gong.

  • Paiste 34″ Symphonic Gong

    Size: 34″/86 cm Impresses with the pleasant, harmonic and universal sound diversity that it offers Balanced with complex sounds

  • Paiste 36″ Symphonic Gong

    Size 36″/91 cm Impresses with the pleasant, harmonious sound behaviours and the universal sound diversity Balanced with complex overtone behaviours

  • Paiste 38″ Symphonic Gong

    Size: 38″/96 cm Attractive for its pleasant, harmonic sound and diverse possibilities for use Balanced instrument with complex overtones

  • Paiste 40″ Symphonic Gong

    Size: 40″/102 cm Impresses with pleasant, harmonious sound behavior and universal sound structure Balanced fundamental note, coupled with complex overtones

  • Palmer PB 20 S Press Patch Box 10-Channel Stereo / 20-Channel Mono

    A stereo version of the PPB20 is available in addition to the standard mono version. Instead of a microphone and line input, the stereo version is fitted with two line inputs.
    The first line input is distributed to the upper row of outputs (meaning the uneven channels), while the second line input is distributed to the even channels (meaning the lower row of outputs).

  • Panasonic – PTZ kaamera juhtpaneel – AW-RP150GJ

    Intuitive Camera Control for Ease of Use and One-Person Operation.

    A ZOOM/FOCUS rocker mounted on the joystick manages pan and tilt operations for zoom and focus control and intuitive single-handed operation. The built-in touch display allows for easy and quick operation of all essential camera functions.

  • Panasonic – ROP – AK-HRP1010GJ

    A Remote Operation Panel for even greater operability during shooting, equipped with a new touch panel.

    • 1/4 rack size, four units can be installed in a single 19-inch EIA rack.
    • High-resolution 3.5-inch color LCD touch panel and easy-to-use operation button layout.
    • IP connection supported, enabling control of studio cameras and Panasonic’s PTZ cameras*.
    • User-assignable knobs and priority buttons enable rapid operation of frequently-used functions.
    • Up to 99 cameras can be switched between and controlled with a single unit.
    • SDXC card support enables saving and loading of camera setting files and device settings.
  • Panasonic PT-EZ570E

    Panasonic PT-EZ570E 5000 Lumens WUXGA 3LCD Video Projector.

    5,000 lumens brightness and WUXGA resolution
    Eco-friendly filter eliminates the need for replacement for up to 12,000 hours
    Flexible system integration and simplified maintenance
    Daylight View Basic automatically adjusts lamp output according to the brightness of the projected images
    The PT-EZ570E LCD projector features high brightness and excellent contrast ratio despite its compact design. It delivers readable images for a variety of applications, from classrooms and university lecture halls to technical presentations and corporate meeting rooms.
    The combination of 5,000 lumens brightness and WUXGA resolution creates vivid, sharp, and colorful images. The exclusive Daylight View Basic function allows the PT-EZ570E to project sharp, high-resolution images without having to dim the room lights. This projector also features a low-energy design and is equipped with an eco-friendly filter that eliminates the need for replacement for up to 12,000 hours, optimizing its installation flexibility and simplifying its maintenance.

  • Panasonic PT-VW340 Projector

    The Panasonic PT-VW340 Projector is a WXGA Conference Room Projector. This lamp based projector is capable of displaying 3,700 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 1280×800 . The internal 3LCD technology is an innovative 3-chip design that sets itself apart by delivering vibrant, true-to-life images with better color brightness and a wider color gamut.

  • PEAK pukklaud

    PEAK on ekstsentriline, helendav pukklaud.
    Laua läbimõõt Ø 80 cm

  • Peamikrofon – EH-4

    Condenser Headset Microphone with Detachable Cable.
    EH-4 is an omni-directional (no proximity effect) condenser microphone designed for voice pick-up. It has a skin colour and is therefore almost invisible for the audience. The wide dynamic range and frequency response provide a high quality sound. The cable is detachable and also separate available.
    Comfortable fit and lightweight
    Smooth frequency response
    High quality steel adjustable head band assures durability
    Mini gooseneck for best mic position

  • Peegel 186x90cm

    • Valge antiikse välimusega puitraam, reljeefid on kipsist
    • Paigaldatav seinale nii horisontaalselt kui ka vertikaalselt
    • Kompletis olevad riputid on kinnitatud peegli raamile
  • Peegelkera – 100 cm / hõbe

    A classic, silver decoration tool for glamorous events.

  • Peegelkera – 100 cm / must

    Klassikaline, Must dekoreerimisvahend glamuursetele sündmustele.

  • Peegelkera mootor – 40 kg / DMX

    Peegelkera mootor kuni 40 kg koormustaluvusega.
    DMX juhtimine: kiirus ja suund.

  • Peegelkera valgusti – 15W LED – soe valge

    DMX-pinspot with warm white 15 W LED, beam angles 4°/10°/25° (frost filter) Additional frost filter provides a wide, soft and homogeneous light 1 powerful LED 15 W high-power warm white (WW) The device is cooled by passive convection cooling Control via stand-alone; DMX; IR remote control; RDM Flicker-free Strobe effect With a beam angle of…

  • Peegelkera valgusti – 15W LED – RGBW

    Pinspot with 15 W COB LED, beam angles 4°/6°/20° (frost filter)
    Additional frost filter provides a wide, soft and homogeneous light
    1 powerful LED 15 W high-power 4in1 QCL RGBW (homogenous color mix)
    4 integrated show programs
    The device is cooled by passive convection cooling
    Control via stand-alone; DMX; IR remote control; Sound to light via Microphone; RDM; Master/slave function
    With a beam angle of 4°
    With double bracket
    OLED display
    Color blend stepless; color change adjustable; color fade adjustable; Dimmer electronic; Dimmer speed (step response) adjustable
    Strobe effect
    Preprogrammed in Light´J; LED PC-Control 512; EASY SHOW 1; LED EASY OPERATOR 4×4; LED EASY OPERATOR 4×6; LED EASY OPERATOR DELUXE; Light Captain; EASY SHOW 2; EASY SHOW 3
    Silent operation
    Mains input and output for power linking up to 8 units
    For application areas such as: Clubs/dancing school; Party room; mobile djs / entertainer; restaurants, bars and hotels
    Application possibility: Standing; suspended; on stand

  • Performers Sound Choice PCK-2000

    Performers Choice Karaoke Machine.

  • Phoenix PRO+ Set (incl. Micro-NET Slim)

  • Pioneer CDJ-1000

    Digital turntable.

    Pioneer’s CDJ-1000 revolutionises the way to play with CD’s, just like vinyl you can stop the digital sound with your fingers and cue up in exactly the same way. Even bending the sound or scratching with no sound latency is possible. Never before has digital so successfully reproduced the sounds,feel and creativity of analogue. Thorough research and close communication with professional DJ’s has provided Pioneer with the impetus and challenge to develop the first ever digital deck to feature such integrally analogue features in a purely digital environment.
    The CDJ-1000 is changing the face of Djing – stimulating and inspiring the DJ to be more creative behind the decks, providing you with more funky features to play, use and experiment with. No longer do you need to spend years learning the ‘Cut and Paste’DJ techniques nor gain experience


  • Pioneer CDJ-100S

    CD deck.

    The CDJ-100S houses a built-in Digital Jog Break feature that offers three different remix assist buttons. The Jog Wheel allows you to speed up and slow down tracks and fine-tune cue points.
    Our CDJ-100S also features a Playing Address bar graph which shows elapsed and remaining playing time of a track. When the track is about to end, it flashes as a warning.
    This entry level deck is ideal for bedroom DJs keen to experience the possibilities of CD play-out technology.

  • Pioneer CDJ-2000

    Pro-grade digital DJ deck.

    Introducing a major leap forward for the club standard CDJ series: the CDJ-2000 – our new professional player for the digital age.
    The CDJ-2000 fizzes with fresh DNA and can play music from multiple sources, including CD, DVD, USB storage devices and SD memory cards.
    It also comes with the revolutionary music database management software for DJs: rekordbox™. Based on our ‘Prepare & Perform’ concept, rekordbox works (for both Mac and PC) like the leading music database management software, but is more creative and more DJ-friendly.
    Rekordbox allows DJs to prepare more before their performance and opens a door to tools such as Hot Cue Banks and Quantize, for perfectly synced loops every time. DJs can then export data to a USB or SD device to access vast libraries of music files and perform live – without the need for extra equipment or any inconvenient rewiring in the club.
    Through the industry-first Pro DJ Link, music files and database data on one single USB or SD device can be shared simultaneously by up to four players connected via LAN (local area network) cable.
    Plus, the data history of each DJ set is automatically saved and can be made into a playlist that can be loaded back into rekordbox.
    Another key facet of the CDJ-2000 is its advanced HID (human interface device) and MIDI capabilities for native control of DVS (digital vinyl systems) via USB. What’s more, it achieves Pioneer’s highest sound quality to date through an improved audio output circuit, a new audiophile-pleasing Wolfson DAC processor, and a built-in 24-bit/48 kHz sound card.
    Naturally, the CDJ-2000’s layout is related to its robust, reliable predecessor, the CDJ-1000MK3. However, although it fits easily into the MK3’s footprint, it ramps up performance with the largest (6.1-inch) clearest full-colour screen in the business.
    Below the screen is an industry-first waveform Needle Search™/Needle Drop ribbon, so that all the convenience of direct file browsing can now be found in an intuitive hardware format. Add to these features a highly evolved illuminated Jog wheel, and an overall enhanced design, complete with carry handles and Kensington lock, and you have the ideal digital innovation for total performance and seamless synchronisation.


  • Pioneer CDJ-2000NXS

    Pro-grade digital DJ deck.
    Meet the next generation multi-player that opens doors to performances beyond your wildest dreams. The highly evolved CDJ-2000NXS includes advanced features, including 4-deck Beat Sync, Slip Mode and Hot Cue Auto Load.
    Use the included rekordbox software or download the rekordbox™ app to prepare mind-blowing sets, or use the HID support to perform with other DJ software without a control disk.

  • Pioneer CDJ-2000NXS2

    Professional DJ multi player with disc drive.

    The CDJ-2000NXS2 inherits all the best features from its predecessor – the CDJ-2000NXS – and takes a giant leap forward. We’ve added a larger, multicolour touch screen with a Qwerty keyboard and search filters to help you select tracks faster. 2 banks of 4 Hot Cues give you more creative freedom, while a 96 kHz/24-bit sound card and support for FLAC/Apple Lossless Audio (ALAC) means you can play with higher resolution formats. Download the rekordbox™ music management software or the rekordbox app to prepare your sets.

  • Pioneer CDJ-3000

    Pioneer DJ / AlphaTheta korporatsiooni kõige uuem ja täiuslikum DJ meediamängija.
    Parim sobivus DJM-A9 DJ mikserpuldiga.

  • Pioneer CDJ-400

    Digital CD deck with MP3 and USB audio.
    Designed for DJs by DJs and drawing inspiration from our industry standard CDJ-1000 series, the CDJ-400 is a flexible, affordable performance player for the aspiring club DJ to use at home.
    The CDJ-400 allows you to play your MP3 collection off CD-R/RW discs as well as music from mass storage USB devices, such as USB keys, external hard drives and portable media devices.
    The deck also features the world’s first Scratch Jog Effects, with three creative scratch effects and an amazing new Loop Divide function. Virtually all of the button and slider functions can send MIDI data via USB output, making it possible for the decks to control external DJ software such as our DJS, an MP3 mixing software that emulates a full Pioneer DJ setup on your PC. It includes 8 innovative effects, a waveform display with cue / looping ability and can convert CD / line input signals to MP3 within an easy to manage music library.
    It is also compatible with third party applications like Traktor and Serato Scratch Live. The CDJ-400 deck is a perfect partner for the DJM-400 mixer and together they provide the ultimate home party set-up.

  • Pioneer CDJ-800MK2

    Digital CD deck with scaratch jog wheel.
    Designed with world-class DJs to advance performance and handling, the innovative second generation of CDJ-800s are stylishly tailored to extract the utmost creativity from the digital revolution.
    The MK2s feature convenient MP3 compatibility, a folder search facility and an improved jog wheel. They allow you to create, cut and manipulate loops live using the new auto beat loop command and provide extra memory for storing cue/loop points.
    Supported by solid steel buttons and a metallic finish as well as brighter, clearer displays of data, the CDJ-800MK2 offers power, freedom and control.

  • Pioneer CDJ-900

    Professional multi player.
    The CDJ-900 accompanies the launch of the new range-topping CDJ-2000 player and is loaded with many shared features.
    It can play from various different music sources, including CD and USB storage devices.
    Pioneer rekordbox™ Music Database Management SoftwareIt also comes with the revolutionary music database management software for DJs: rekordbox™. Based on our Prepare & Perform’ concept, rekordbox works (for both Mac and PC) like the leading music database management software, but is more creative and more DJ-friendly.
    Rekordbox allows DJs to prepare more before their performance and opens a door to tools such as Quantize for perfectly synced loops every time.
    DJs can then export data to a USB device to access vast libraries of music files and perform live – without the need for extra equipment or any inconvenient rewiring in the club.
    Through the industry-first Pro DJ Link, music files and database data on one single USB device can be shared simultaneously by up to four players connected via LAN (local area network) cable, or with one LAN cable between two players. Plus, the data history of each DJ set is automatically saved and can be made into a playlist that can be loaded back into rekordbox.
    Another key facet of the CDJ-900 is its advanced HID (human interface device) and MIDI capabilities for native control of DVS (digital vinyl systems) via USB.
    There is also an improved audio output circuit, a new Wolfson DAC processor, and a built-in 24-bit/48 kHz sound card.
    Add to these features an overall enhanced design that includes a new display screen, rotary selector, carry handles and Kensington lock.
    Then check out the four-beat Emergency Loop and the three CDJ-900 exclusives: the Auto Beat Loop, Quick Return scratch feature and a Slip mode that enables DJs to perform tricks and return to their original flow in an uninterrupted fashion and you have the perfect tool for maximum performance

  • Pioneer DDJ-SZ

    4-channel controller for Serato DJ Pro.
    The DDJ-SZ is our first controller to closely match the CDJ-2000NXS set-up for the most intuitive, physical scratch performances yet.
    The full-sized illuminated jog wheels deliver a silky smooth, fast response for precision scratching.
    Plus you can check your playback position or point countdown with the On Jog.

  • Pioneer DJM-400

    2-channel effects mixer.
    Although the DJM-400 is the smallest mixer in our Pioneer range, it is perfectly portable and huge in performance, boasting outstanding audio quality.
    The mixer’s intelligent 96 kHz/24-bit sampler automatically detects the tempo of a track during playback, sampling it for four beats, then loops the sample.
    As the sampled audio is in sync with the beat of the track being played (no matter the tempo) you are given more time to be creative. Samples are automatically beat matched and up to five samples can be stored in memory.
    This compact 2-channel mixer moreover features an in-loop sampler and digital beat effects. Drawing on our digital heritage of larger mixers, the DJM-400 is designed as an ideal partner for the CDJ-200 in terms of style and function. When combined, these units create a portable yet powerful and robust DJ setup.
    The DJM-400 is tailored to the demands of DJs mixing in bars and smaller clubs and those mobile artists who demand a reliable, robust and high-quality mixer.

  • Pioneer DJM-700

    4-channel mid-range digital mixer.
    Delivering breathtaking scope for creativity, consummate clarity and a world first in terms of its Effect Frequency Filter, the DJM-700 is dramatically different.The 4-channel mixer inherits the sound quality of the DJM-800 and DJM-1000, it also includes some key features including MIDI connectivity, 49 assignables, cutting edge digital effects and a filter on pre-out so you can filter the effects.
    Boasting 32-bit DSP [Digital Signal Processing] , 13 beat effects and enhanced roll sampler in what is an extremely familiar format for DJs, this new kit on the block is definitely in a class of its own.
    With an industry-standard size and layout and a dual shield structure that eliminates digital noise, the new DJM-700 is both robust and reliable.
    Setting a new industry standard for quality mid-market mixers, the DJM-700 allows DJs to transmit unique musical flows using a formidable range of features.
    Designed to impress in bar, club and studio spaces alike the DJM-700 is set to have a wide appeal.

  • Pioneer DJM-800

    4-channel high-end digital mixer.
    Loaded with an amazing array of features and jawdropping effects, the DJM-800 gives you freedom of creativity and digital control at your fingertips.
    The DJM-800 is a powerful 4 channel 96kHz / 24 bit digital mixer that’s complemented by 61 assignable MIDI control channels. It features ‘Harmonic Mixing’, a landmark innovation that detects a track’s key and automatically aligns it to the closest true key, removing inaccuracies created when adjusting the pitch.
    The DJM-800 displays a wide variety of effects, such as ‘filter’, ‘sweep’ and ‘crush’ effects through a highpass/lowpass filter, notch filter and bit crusher effect for all line channels.
    The effects automatically detect the BPM of the music and sync to the beats. In conjunction with the additional Digital Beat Effects, 50 combinations of effects are possible.
    The DJM-800 has a high rigid chassis for minimizing unnecessary vibration that could adversely affect sound quality. It also incorporates a dual-shield structure for eliminating entry of digital noise and a high performance power supply.

  • Pioneer DJM-900NXS

    4-channel club digital mixer.
    The DJM-900NXS is the next level in creativity, delivering excellent connectivity, up-to-date FX and mind-blowing performance features to make it the centrepiece of any professional DJ setup.
    Built to stand up to the rigours of professional use, the mixer features improved fader technology and audio circuits that reduce the need for servicing and significantly increase its lifespan.


  • Pioneer DJM-900NXS2

    4-channel professional DJ mixer.
    Take your performance to new heights with the DJM-900NXS2, which features our first ever 64-bit mixing processor for a warmer, more nuanced sound. We’ve fine-tuned the EQ and fader curves and enhanced the FX controls to give you even more creative choice. Plus the versatile DJM-900NXS2 has an independent Send/Return, 4 phono inputs and 2 USB ports – giving you flexibility to set it up your way.

  • Pioneer DJM-A9

    Pioneer DJ / AlphaTheta korporatsiooni kõige uuem ja täiuslikum DJ mikserpult.
    Parim sobivus CDJ-3000 multimängijaga.

  • Pioneer DJM-S11

    Professional scratch style 2-channel DJ mixer.
    Raise your game with the DJM-S11. This new professional 2-channel, 4-deck control battle mixer enhances various elements from its predecessor, the DJM-S9, and offers a host of brand-new features to help you perform more freely with Serato DJ Pro or rekordbox.

  • Pioneer DJS-1000

    16 track dynamic DJ sampler.


  • Pioneer DVJ-1000

    Professional grade DVD video/CD deck.
    Scratch , loop and cue both audio and video with the DVJ-1000.
    Offering the same operation and layout as the CDJ-1000MK3, but with enhanced DVD specifications, the DVJ-1000 offers a convenient way to add visuals to your set. Manipulate DVDs as you would music – digital video scratches, loops and instant cues are all possible.
    You can perform audio-only sets while having the option to mix in DVD, with the power to setup instant hot cues or reverse play for synchronized audio and video. The best of both worlds.
    Additional features include MP3 compatibility, a brighter and larger wave display, compatibility with studio quality 96kHz/24-bit audio and innovations like 4 x hyper jog mode and a back and forth loop button.
    It’s a globetrotter, too – playing both NTSC and PAL DVDs using a built-in standards converter; ideal if you’re working with DVDs from both Europe and the States.

  • Pioneer DVJ-X1

    Pro DVD video deck.
    Combining Pioneer’s world-famous CD Jog Dial technology with the flexibility and capacity of DVD, the DVJ-X1 looks just like the company’s own CDJ-1000MKII CD Player. But what is even more radical is that the DVJ-X1 has the same functionality – with the added capacity to playback DVDs as well as CDs. This means that digital DJs used the preforming live with a CDJ-1000MKII will have no trouble using the DVJ-X1 as a CD-playback tool.
    But crucially, DVJs will also be able to use the DVJ-X1 to manipulate DVD visuals in exactly the same way as they would music. So real-time digital video scratches, loops and instant cues are all possible with the awesome DVJ-X1, while the video and audio streams always stay in perfect sync, even when they’re being reserved and pitched. This new Pioneer unit works with all established CD formats as well as DVDs, crossing the boundaries between the once-separate audio and video domains.
    Winner of the iF product design award 2005.

  • Pioneer SVM-1000

    4-Channel Audio and Video Mixer.
    Designed for use with our DVJ-1000 DVD/CD decks, the SVM-1000 gives you comprehensive control by synchronising both audio and video elements of your performance.
    Even audio-only DJs can easily add visuals synced to the music from the SVM-1000’s built-in visualiser capability.
    Complete with LCD touch panel, an impressive range of effects and 96 kHz/ 24-bit studio sound quality, the MIDI assignable SVM-1000 functions in a similar fashion to our acclaimed DJM series; which for DJs mean that the doors to full-on AV freedom are now fully open!
    DJs and VJs have worked together to deliver immersive AV experiences for decades, and of course it is natural that the two art forms are so closely interlinked.
    Our revolutionary DVJ-X1 brought the two crafts closer than ever before in 2004, as the world’s first DVD decks opened up VJing to DJs.
    However, a major stumbling block for many was the lack of a simple and easy-to-use AV mixer; DJs and VJs had to use separate mixers to blend sound and vision.
    Now the super-versatile SVM-1000 has the power and technology to change all that.
    Developed with input from leading DJ and VJ artists this mighty mixer works perfectly in both audio and AV set-ups.
    For many artists this mixer will be the missing link they have been waiting for. DJs and VJs around the world now have the potential to explore new avenues of creativity!

  • Pioneer VSW-1

    The VSW-1 is simple in its design and extremely easy to use, ensuring that DVJs are able to mix audio/video content from separate sources without relying upon multiple independent devices or needing another artist in the DVJ booth. This Video Switcher gives performers more freedom in the mix because they can automatically switch video sources (by pressing the red “Auto” button) when using the familiar Fader Start capability found in all of Pioneer’s Pro DJ mixers. The VSW-1 video switcher gives top DVJs the flexibility they need to take full advantage of Pioneer’s revolutionary DVJ-X1.

  • Pioneer XDJ-RX3

    2-channel performance all-in-one DJ system.
    The XDJ-RX3 boasts flexibility and practicality while packing in a host of features that come straight from the club-standard CDJ-3000 multi player and DJM-900NXS2 mixer. With the brand-new 10.1-inch touch screen, you can instinctively browse playlists, mix tracks, and apply effects, and the unit’s refined design brings a pro look to your setup.
    Power cable
    USB cable
    Quick Start Guide
    Software license notice
    Precautions for Use
    Warranty (for some regions)

  • Pixel Bar IP65

    IP65 rated bar, suitable for wall or stage light washing.
    18 LEDs, with independent control ability via DMX.
    RGBWA colour mixing.
    True Powercor and Seetronic connections for power and DMX.
    No fans cooling system – passive aluminium cooling system .
    Perfect for applications like Theater or TV.

  • Plaatvaip – antratsiit

    Creative Spark kollektsiooni plaatvaibad on ühetoonilise disaini ja mitmekülgse värvivalikuga. Plaatvaibad on vastupidavad ja sobivad suure kasutuskoormusega ühiskondlikele pindadele: messidele, lavadele jne.
    • Väga hea helisummutavus (32dB)
    • Sobib põrandaküttele
    • Antistaatiline
    • Toolirattakindlus
  • Plaatvaip – roheline

    Creative Spark plaatvaibad on ühetoonilise disaini ja mitmekülgse värvivalikuga. Plaatvaibad on vastupidavad ja sobivad suure kasutuskoormusega ühiskondlikele pindadele, messidele, lavadele jne.
    • Väga hea helisummutavus (32dB)
    • Sobib põrandaküttele
    • Antistaatiline
    • Toolirattakindlus
  • Plaatvaip – tumepunane

    Creative Spark kollektsiooni plaatvaibad on ühetoonilise disaini ja mitmekülgse värvivalikuga. Plaatvaibad on vastupidavad ja sobivad suure kasutuskoormusega ühiskondlikele pindadele: messidele, lavadele jne.
    • Väga hea helisummutavus (32dB)
    • Sobib põrandaküttele
    • Antistaatiline
    • Toolirattakindlus
  • Põõsas Fishtail bush

    Suur põõsas suurte pindade ja kõrgete ruumide kaunistamiseks.
    Tsementeeritud dekoratiivses potis.

  • Popkorni masin

    The HENDI Popcorn machine produces popcorn from 150g of corn kernels at once.
    Fast – making a batch of popcorn in ≈2 minutes
    Illuminated interior – attractive to customers
    It’s easy to extract popcorn thanks to a convenient tilt-out drawer
    With crumb drawer for collecting crumbs and un-popped kernels
  • Power Bubble XL

    Suurte seebumullide masin, mis on loodud 15–20 cm läbimõõduga mullide tekitamiseks ning tulemuseks on väga dekoratiivsed ja lummavavad-maalilised efektid. Power Bubble XL on loodud töötama kas maapinnal või riputatuna seadmel oleva käepidemega. Seade on valmistatud kvaliteetsest alumiiniumist ning on loodud kestma. Vedelikupaak on varustatud tühjendusventiiliga, et tühjendada allesjäänud vedeliku hoolduseks või sündmuse lõppedes.

  • Power Drop

    Compact and reliable drop system that drops curtains from a truss to unveil stages, buildings, products or special objects. Our POWER DROP is a powerful Kabuki drop system that is suitable for safe and quick drops. It’s also used to unroll flags and banners or open up balloon nets.

  • Power Shot I

    Compact shot unit to fire electric confetti and streamer cannons. The POWER SHOT can be placed on stages by using the MAGICFX® BASEPLATE or it can be mounted in trusses. Very easy, cannons will be fired when the power is switched ON.

  • Power Shot II

    The POWERSHOT II is a compact shot unit to fire electric confetti or streamer shooters. Place it on stage or mount it in a truss. Plug in an electric shooter, set the angle and fire away! Shoot confetti up to 6 or 12 meters and streamers from 12 up to 20 meters in the sky.

  • Premanaged Gigabit Ethernet Switch – XES-2T6

    The XES-2T6 is a six plus two port Gigabit Ethernet switch with two ports being aggregated to a high throughput, redundant trunk link. The six other ports are individually assignable to groups (IEEE 802.1Q VLANs) that may participate in completely independent networks that do not interfere with each other. Thanks to the graphic OLED display, the encoder knob and a push button for each of the six configurable ports, the switch is intuitive to setup and the configuration is done in next to no time.

    The grouping and the redundant fast backbone link make the XES-2T6 an ideal solution for interconnecting the stage with the FOH for instance.

    As a layer 2 switch, the XES-2T6 is generally unaware of the application and therefore it works well with any protocol that operates on top of TCP/IP and with many Ethernet based protocols. However, special precautions have been taken to ensure that the XES-2T6 works perfectly with Art-Net, sACN and Dante. The Art-Net specification for example expects the controller to only send data every few seconds or when an update is available. A typical switch might put itself into sleep mode when no traffic is observed, not so the XES-2T6; it stays ready to forward data anytime without delay.
    With the increased acceptance of TCP/IP and Ethernet based protocols, the proper operation of the network and its equipment has become critical for many shows. Therefore, it is crucial to professionally plan, configure and install the network for any show or venue. As a measure to further lower the chances of network outages, the XES-2T6 comes equipped with two separate switch mode PSUs that can be powered from two different mains supplies.

    • Optimized for Art-Net, sACN and Dante
    • Two aggregated trunk ports
    • Groups (IEEE 802.1Q VLANs)
    • Four queue DiffServ (differentiated services) for optimal quality of service (QoS) with the Dante protocol
    • No broadcast bandwidth limitation
    • Two universal power supplies (redundant PSU)
    • Neutrik powerCON inputs and outputs for primary and backup power supply unit
    • Neutrik etherCON sockets for network connection
    • Rack mountable, 1 height unit
  • Professionaalne külmik – Broadside CR

    Roostevabast terasest professionaalne kiirkülmik,  2-8°C

  • Prolumen Quad Bay 200W LED industrial light 160lm/W, 230V, 32000lm, 60° IP65 740

    Excellent LED luminaire for illuminating squares, large tents, or spaces from the center.
    The luminaire has four rotatable LED panels that can be positioned at different angles.
    4000K LED lights provide clear and sharp light, perfect for illuminating shops and other commercial spaces.
    The luminaire’s dust and moisture resistance is IP65, making it suitable for outdoor use.

  • PTZOptics IP Joystick G3

    Introducing the re-designed HC-JOY-G3 PTZ joystick controller. Making live production easier for remote camera operators around the world, this PTZ joystick has been designed to simplify the most important elements of PTZ camera control. This joystick includes clearly defined areas for camera switching, PTZ preset management, and camera settings access. Designed with the novice in mind, while still providing professionals with advanced, fast-action response times for high-end production. Presented in a sturdy metal case, this joystick is built to last.

  • PTZOptics SDI Cameras 20X-NDI-WH-C

    PTZOPTICS Broadcast & Conference Camera.
    The PTZOptics 20X-NDI is a 1080p camera with 20X optical zoom for capturing HD images at long distances. With support for NDI|HX, 3G-SDI, HDMI, and IP streaming (H.264, H.265, & MJPEG), this camera is ideal for broadcasting high definition video signals for broadcast, recording, or video conferencing applications.
    SDI refers to Serial Digital Interface, a standard for the delivery of digital video via a coaxial cable. The SDI standard has been widely adopted by the broadcast industry to transmit uncompressed, unencrypted digital video signals.

  • PTZOptics SuperJoy joystick controller

    PTZ camera joystick controller designed for smooth, efficient production workflows. The SuperJoy takes remote pan, tilt, and zoom camera operations to the next level in a simplified user interface with advanced controls.The SuperJoy offers an intuitive, tactile interface, simplifying and streamlining even the most complex production setups.

  • Pukklaua kate ja pealiskate, must

    • Pukklaua stretch kate + müts
    • Sobib laudadele laiusega 80-85cm,
    • Kõrgusega 110-115 cm
    • 90% polüester 10% elastaan
    • Saadaval paljudes erinevates värvitoonides
    • Hästi hooldatav
  • Pukklaua kate ja pealiskate, punane

    • Pukklaua stretch materjalist kate/laudlina koos pealiskattega
    • Sobib laudadele laiusega 80-85cm,  kõrgusega 110-115 cm
    • 90% polüester 10% elastaan
    • Hästi hooldatav
  • Pukklaua kate ja pealiskate, sinine

    • Pukklaua stretch materjalist kate/laudlina koos pealiskattega
    • Sobib laudadele laiusega 80-85cm,  kõrgusega 110-115 cm
    • 90% polüester 10% elastaan
    • Hästi hooldatav
  • Pukklaua kate ja pealiskate, valge

    • Pukklaua stretch kate
    • Sobib laudadele laiusega 80-85cm,  kõrgusega 110-115 cm
    • 90% polüester 10% elastaan
    • Saadaval paljudes erinevates värvitoonides
    • Hästi hooldatav
  • Punased viinamarjad

    Roheliste elutruude lehtedega
    Sobib välitingimustesse

  • Puuskulptuur

    Unikaalne dekoreerimisvahend.

  • Puuviljad

    12 tk pakis.

  • QSC – Aktiivne bassikõlar – KS212C

    The KS212C subwoofer represents the world’s first-in-class single-box active cardioid subwoofer solution for highly portable entertainment and installation applications.
    A breakthrough in innovation and design, the 3,600 Watt KS212C subwoofer uniquely provides all the benefits of cardioid deployment in a single, compact enclosure. “Keeping bass in its place” for mobile entertainers, AV production and rental professionals, as well as modestly-sized performance venues, the KS212C subwoofer is unparalleled in its ability to manage low frequencies on the stage, or any application where undesirable low frequency energy needs to be minimized.

  • QSC MX3000 power amplifier

    The MX 3000a is a high power, low profile professional power amplifier with advanced features and a flexible input. It delivers tremendous power in only three rack spaces, providing high level performance under the most demanding conditions.
    A stepped linear output circuit combines high power with high efficiency to provide greater average and dynamic audio performance, while
    reducing normal system cooling and AC requirements by greater than 50%. An automatic variable speed fan matches cooling capacity with heat requirements.
    The rear panel uses Level 1 of QSC’s exclusive Open Input Architecture™ which allows the use of optional input connectors, input transformers, cinema crossovers, power limiters, precision attenuators, and other signal processing cards as they become available.

  • Quadro DSP

    Professional speaker processor, with variable DSP functions, and integrated compressors, limiters, frequency dividers, dynamic EQ, delayers, equalizers, input and output with FIR phase correction, and audio mixers.

    Suitable for stadium, performances, auditoriums, halls, and conference rooms.

  • RCF – Aktiivkõlar – TT 052-A

    Ultra compact high output speaker.

    The TT052-A is an extremely compact, active loudspeaker specifically designed for indoor applications where the audio beam must be directed towards specific zones. It is equipped with two 5” neodymium woofers and a 1” compression driver. Thanks to its constant directivity horn and high volume output, the TT052-A can be used to guarantee the perfect intelligibility in critical environments.

  • RCF – Aktiivkõlar – TT 2-A

    Active high output two-way speaker.
    The TT2-A is the most flexible and powerful tool in its class. The incredible output and dynamics, the extreme linearity and fidelity makes the TT2-A a special product in its category. The TT2-A is the ideal compact two-way speaker for near field sound reinforcement, live sound and corporate events. The integration of the 1600 Watt, two channel, digital amplification and the advanced digital processing set a new standard for distortion, noise and thermal efficiency. The speaker is equipped with a complete set of integrated rigging mechanics for rental or installation. Dedicated accessories to create clusters are available.

  • Red Button

    Push the MAGICFX® RED BUTTON and fire your FX! Designed for controlling FX with a powerCON TRUE1 connector. Perfect for DJ’s, bars and clubs to fire the POWERSHOT II.

  • Red Lighting ReDMX

    – 7” color TFT Touch Screen color
    Display 800×480 pixel for a powerful
    intuitive grafics interface
    – 2 Rear-lit 72-digit (2 lines of 36)
    LCD screen for the display of fader
    – 12 keys for direct access to playback
    and programming functions
    – 12 faders with individual keys playback
    freely programmableas master/group
    master/manual cue
    – 24 keys for direct access to playback
    – 4 encoder wheels for controlling
    attributes during programming and
    control of effects during playback
    – Jog Ball for PAN and TILT control with
    “locks” and “fine” buttons
    – Grand Master fader + DBO key
    – New round keys fine control
    – Internal SD memory

  • Red Lighting ReDMX-E

    – Rear-lit 72-digit (2lines of 36) LCD screen for the display of playback configuration – 12 completely configurable scene control faders – 36 keys for direct access to Playbacks – Power supply directly from main board

  • RF Explorer RackPRO

    RF Explorer RackPRO is a spectrum analysis and monitoring system that lets you see wireless microphone and IEM frequencies inside your venue.
    How is the RackPRO different from other analyzers? Well, it’s housed in an industry standard 19″ form factor, for easy integration with existing live and installed cases, racks, and equipment closets.
    It can be operated either from the onboard LCD screen and touchpad, or from a computer or laptop through a USB cable.
    And the included Clear Waves software for Windows lets you visualize spectrum in detail, label and monitor transmitter frequencies, and instantly calculate sets of intermodulation free frequencies that can be exported to multiple formats, including those compatible with Shure Wireless Workbench and IAS.
    Best of all that RF Venue is releasing a Mac OSX spectrum management application this June, so users of Mac computers will finally have access to the RF tools they need.

  • Robotkaamera – AW-UE150 / must

    Suurepärane robotkaamera, mis on levinud telesaadete tootmisel tänu väga heale 1-type 4K MOS sensorile, juhtimisseadmetele ning võimaluse tõttu paigaldada see kohtadesse, kus mehitatud kaameraga töötamine võimalik pole.

  • RØDECaster Pro

    Podcast Production Studio.

    The RØDECaster Pro™ is the world’s most powerful all-in-one solution for podcasting. Designed to offer superb audio quality and expansive features while being incredibly easy to use, it’s the ultimate tool for beginners and professionals alike. Featuring four microphone inputs with studio-grade preamps for recording crystal-clear audio, smartphone, USB, and Bluetooth channels for seamlessly integrating remote guests, eight sound pads for triggering music and sound effects, powerful audio processing at the touch of a button and so much more, the RØDECaster Pro is all you will ever need to create incredible podcasts.

  • RØDELink Filmmaker Kit

    RØDELink represents a range of digital wireless systems. Using a Series II 2.4GHz digital transmission with 128-bit encryption, it is able to constantly monitor and hop between frequencies to maintain the strongest possible signal level at a range of up to 100 metres* (over 100 yards). The RØDELink Filmmaker Kit provides everything you need to start shooting video wirelessly, including a receiver, transmitter and broadcast-grade lavalier microphone. The receiver (RX-CAM) features an OLED display with information on level, battery status (receiver and transmitter), mute and channel selection. The unit can be mounted on a standard camera shoe mount, 3/8″ thread or belt-clip, and for added versatility the shoe mount can be located in one of two positions. The lightweight transmitter (TX-BELT) can be fitted to a belt or clothing and features a locking thread to ensure the microphone connection is as secure as possible. RØDE has included an omnidirectional lavalier microphone in the kit to provide the highest possible audio reproduction quality.

  • Rohelised viinamarjad

    Roheliste elutruude lehtedega.
    Sobib välitingimustesse

  • Roland – V-160HD

    Streaming Video Switcher.

    Filled with pro features to take on any modern production, the V-160HD sets a new standard in hybrid event switching. Connect with live audiences in Full HD with comprehensive SDI and HDMI I/O and simultaneously stream to any popular web platform via USB-C. There’s also an eight-layer video effects engine, a 40-channel digital audio mixer, and integrated PTZ camera control, plus next-generation cue management and live show automation features that make tough production tasks simple. And everything’s all wrapped up in a portable design with a broadcast-style interface that’s easily handled by a single operator.

    • Portable hybrid event switcher with comprehensive features and connectivity
    • Eight 3G SDI inputs with frame rate converters
    • Eight 1080p HDMI inputs with frame rate converters, including four with real-time scalers
    • Seven total outputs across SDI, HDMI, and USB-C streaming
    • Seven selectable output modes: Program, Sub-Program, Aux, Preview, and three Multi-View options
    • 40-channel digital audio mixer with effects and processing
    • Eight-layer video effects engine
    • 16-slot still store function supports screen capture or uploaded BMP, JPEG, and PNG images via alpha channel in the internal non-volatile memory
    • Powerful live production automation with sequencing, macros, and preset memories
    • PTZ control with support for multiple brands and mixed protocols running at once
    • Extensive device control with Bluetooth, USB, RS-232, and LAN
    • Wireless and wired camera tally support
    • Remote control software available for iPad, macOS, and Windows
  • Roland D-50

    Powered by Roland’s groundbreaking LA (Linear Arithmetic) synthesis engine, the instrument’s potent mixture of samples, virtual analog, and integrated effects allowed programmers to produce all manner of stunning sounds never heard before. The D-50 Software Synthesizer is a perfect sonic recreation of the original in every way, allowing you to bring this giant in music history into your everyday music production environment.

  • Roland R44 4-channel Recorder

    The R-44 is a compact, four channel, solid-state field recorder that uses SD or large capacity SDHC cards as the storage media enabling quiet and reliable recording for a variety of professional audio needs. Capture up to 4 channels of uncompressed audio with selectable bit depths (16-bit or 24-bit) and sampling frequencies (44.1kHz/48kHz/88.2kHz/96kHz/192kHz). Onboard effects include limiter, low cut filter, 3-band EQ, 6-band GEQ, Enhancer, and DeEsser. The R-44 is a part of our series of audio field recorders.

  • Roland RSP-500

    Stereo signal processor.

  • Roomatt

    Saadaval kahes suuruses:
    1m x 5m
    2m x 5m


  • Roosa kirsipuu

    Looduslik joontega tüvi koos ca. 162 elutruu lehega.
    Roosivärvi kaunid õied.

  • Samsung 10.1″ DB10E-POE

    Samsung DB10E-POE – DB-E Series 10.1″ Edge-Lit LED Display.
    The sleek 10.1″ display is perfect for small placements.
    Samsung’s DB10E-POE provides an all-in-one solution to manage digital signage content without connecting external devices. The sleek 10.1″ display is perfect for small placements. It also includes a built-in power supply. And with Power over Ethernet (PoE), you can use a single cable for both electrical power and your data connection.

    • Use a single cable for both power and data with PoE on this 10.1″ display with 450 nits brightness
    • Samsung SMART Signage Platform (SSP) enabled with System-on-Chip (SoC) media player functionality
    • Samsung MagicInfo software for content management with included templates
    • Reliable with a 2-year onsite warranty and 16/7 operating runtime
  • Samsung 27″ T27B300

    27″ T27B300 Series 3 LED HDTV Monitor.

  • Samsung 28” 428E590D

    Samsung 28” Professional Business Monitor U28E590D with UHD Resolution.

    • Stunningly realistic UHD resolution (3840*2160)
    • Deep and rich color details with 1.07 billion colors and 370 cd/㎡ High brightness level
    • Powerful multi-tasking with PBP and PIP supports
  • Samsung 32″ QM32R

    Slim and symmetrical design
    Slim, symmetrical design that will stand the test of time and ensure the QMR-B series blends seamlessly into any environment, with simple installation to get your display up and running as soon as possible.
    Clean cable management
    With QMR-B’s new cable guide feature, retailers are able to tuck away messy cables from view. This allows for a clean and visually-appealing shopping experience for customers, even when the back of the display is visible.
    Powerful, all-in-one solution
    SSSP is an all-in-one solution that simplifies installation and maintenance. With Tizen 4.0, businesses can enjoy easy development, reinforced capability with multiple web formats and standards and secured protection.
    Samsung Workspace secured by Knox
    With security provided by Knox, the displays feature Samsung Workspace which supports wireless cloud service access and control of a PC without needing a physical connection. Samsung Workspace simplifies meeting spaces while also improving security.
    Industry standard certified
    The QMR-B series guarantees dependable functionality and is environmentally sustainable. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) class B compliant, meeting strict safety and reliability standards for operation, the displays are also registered by EPEAT, the global ecolabel for IT.


  • Samsung 55″ DB55D

    View 1080p content in your business environment with the Samsung DB-D Series 55″ Full HD Commercial LED Monitor. This model is endowed with a 55″ slim-direct LED display and features a 1920 x 1080 native resolution for viewing detailed high-definition images. This monitor’s 5,000:1 contrast ratio showcases its ability to handle light and dark on-screen images. A 120 Hz refresh rate is incorporated to combat image blur and distortion on fast moving images.
    This Samsung commercial monitor features VGA, DVI-D and an HDMI port for interfacing a variety of video sources. There’s even a USB port onboard for interfacing additional devices. A speaker is also built into the display for audio playback. As an ENERGY STAR qualified monitor, this display was designed with efficient power management in mind. While this monitor does not include a stand, it is compatible with optional 400 x 400 mm mounts for wall placement.

  • Samsung 55″ QM55C

    Dynamic Crystal Color UHD Digital Signage for Business.
    QMC Series 4K Signage Display.
    Introducing the QMC series, the slimmest display in the Samsung’s UHD signage offerings. This products deliver an unparalleled slim design that fits into any business, while delivering the visual quality to make a big impact. The sleek form factor is easily installed to fit any room design and delivers stunning visual performance. Dynamic Crystal Color and Quantum Processor Lite 4K delivering consistent, lifelike colors to any content. This is not just a display for simple advertising. It’s a display that brings the solutions, tools, and picture quality to grow to your business, no matter what industry you’re in.

    • QMC, slimmest display in Samsung’s UHD Signage, ultra-slim 28.5mm depth optimizes space.
    • Dynamic Crystal Color, over one billion shades, delivers an immersive viewing experience.
    • Industry-leading technology, powered by Quantum Processor Lite 4K, enhances content for clarity and consistency.
    • SmartView+ enables wireless screen sharing makes collaboration easy and functional.