Näitan kõiki 36 tulemust

  • Bambusvõrsed

    Looduslik tüvi.
    2304 rohelist elutruud lehed.

  • Barrel kaktus potis

    Kunst-taimega puudub oht end okastega vigastada.


  • Bonsai puu

    Looduslik tüvi okstega.
    6960 rohelist elutruud lehte.

  • Draakonipuu Dracena

    Muljetavaldava kõrge tüvega draakonipuu.

  • Eurolite – MD-2030 DMX Safety Rotary Motor

    The motor has an adjustable speed. This creates either peaceful or more rapid effects.
    To make the most of these effects, you can add a pin spot to illuminate the mirror ball.
    The rotating direction and speed can be controlled via the DIP switches or any commercial DMX controller. For bigger light installations, a master-slave operation with multiple devices working in sync is also possible, no external control required.
    The motor is equipped with a patented mechanical drop protection against unintentional loosening of the axis as well as the required second eyelet for the attachment of the safety chain.
    All Eurolite safety motors comply with the safety norm DIN EN ISO 12100 and relevant accident prevention regulations. Each production charge is subject to strict quality control which makes the motor suitable for discotheques and other public events. The MD-2030 is delivered ready to use with safety plug and power cord.
    • The maximum load always means the mirror ball weight including chains and the fixation material
    • 2 chains and 4 quick links must be ordered separately
    • The motor always has to be installed with a secondary safety attachment
    • Before taking into operation for the first time, the installation has to be approved by an expert
    • Control via stand-alone; DMX
    • Suitable for a mirror ball with a diameter of up to 50 cm
    • For application areas such as: Clubs/dancing school
    • Rotation speed adjustable; Rotation direction adjustable
  • Eurolite LED Mirror Ball 13cm with Base

    Colorful party fun.
    Amaze your guests with a Eurolite disco ball and its colorful light effects! This mirror ball has a diameter of 13 cm, rotates around its own axis with 5 rotations per minute and paints the room in red, green and blue lights.
    Plug and play: The mirror ball does not require any preparation. All you have to do is plug it in, the rest works automatically. Thanks to the compact and lightweight design, you can take your new little LED disco with you wherever you go and place it in any location you like. The power adapter required for operation is, of course, included in the delivery.

  • Eurolite MD-3030 DMX Mirror Ball Motor

    DMX-Controlled mirror ball motorFor driving mirror balls up to a max. total weight of 40 kg. The max. load capacity always refers to the actual weight of the mirror ball incl. mirror ball chain, safety chain and fixing material.

    • Can be operated in stand-alone mode or via DMX interface
    • DMX512 control via any standard DMX controller possible (occupies 1 channel)
    • Direction of rotation
    • Rotation speed
    • Master/slave
    • Adjustment via DIP switch
    • 2 Chains and 4 quick connectors must be ordered separately
    • Ready for connection via mains cable with safety plug
    • For professional use, e.g. in discotheques and places of assembly, it is essential to comply with the provisions of BGV C1 (formerly VBG 70)
    • The motor must always be installed with a second, independent suspension system
    • The device must be inspected by an expert before it is put into operation for the first time
  • Eurolite Mirror Ball 100cm

    This mega mirror ball in professional quality by Eurolite has a staggering diameter of 1 meter!
    A mirror ball of this size is a true eye catcher in large clubs and at large events.
    The robust plastic core is covered with countless small mirror facets and features a continuous shaft guaranteeing a high tensile strength. The mirror ball also includes two eyelets allowing for attaching both the fastening chain and the required fall protection.
    Suitable motors, the required mounting material and a transport case are available as accessories.

  • Eurolite Mirror Balls 30 cm, 40 cm, 50 cm

    Safety mirror ball with second eyelet.
    No party without a disco ball! Its simple design and affordable price make the disco ball a popular decoration classic used to create fascinating plays of light on the dance floor. Eurolite offers a wide range of disco balls in different colors and sizes.
    The models are available in 30 cm, 40 cm and 50 cm diameters and are covered with countless small mirrors (10 x 10 mm). The robust plastic core is covered with hundreds of small mirror facets and features a continuous shaft guaranteeing a high tensile strength. The mirror ball also includes two eyelets allowing for attaching both the fastening chain and the required fall protection.
    An additional motor can be used optionally to make the mirror ball rotate automatically.
    Suitable motors, the required mounting material and a transport case are available as accessories.

  • Flamingolill Anthurium

    Roheliste elutruude lehtedega kolm kaunist lileeõit.
    Sobib välitingimustesse.

  • GEAR POT lillevaas

    GEAR POT lillepott on inspireeritud hammasratta sakilisest kujust.
    Potid on modulaarsed ning neid on lihtne üksteise peale või kõrvale asetada.
    Huvitav välimus on aluseks, et kerge vaevaga luua mängulisi kompositsioone ning muuta iga ruum ainulaadseks.
    Saadaval hallis värvitoonis.

  • Kohev taimepall

    Naturaalne, erinevate varjunditega välimus.
    Looduslikult kõverdatud kroonlehed.
    Läbimõõdult 20cm.
    Võib kasutada ka õues.
    Kasutamiseks riputatult.

  • Kookospalmi lehed

    Roheliste elutruude lehtedega.
    12tk pundis

  • Mangopuu

    Looduslike joontega tüvi ca 960 elutruu lehega.

  • Mehhiko kaktus

    Kaunis ja võimas kaktus, mis on valmistatud kvaliteetsest plastist.
    Komplekti kuulub väikeste kividega kaetud pott.

  • Metsik paju

    Langeb iseenesest õigesse vormi.
    Sobib välitingimustes.
    Tumerohelised elutruud lehed.

  • Orhidee Antirrhinum

    Ca 105 rohelist elutruud lehte,
    110 valget kaunist lilleõit ja
    100 punga.

  • Orhidee kollane

    Kollaste õisikutega orhidee
    Pehmed lehed ja juured.
    Mustas dekoratiivses potis.

  • Orhidee kreemjas

    Kaks kreemivärviliste lilledega õisikut.
    Pehmed lehed ja juured.
    Mustas dekoratiivses potis.

  • Orhidee valge

    Valgete õisikutega orhidee
    Pehmed lehed ja juured.


  • Orhidee-kaktus

    Loomutruu ja päristaimest eristamatu.
    Komplektis on lillepott.

  • Peegel 186x90cm

    • Valge antiikse välimusega puitraam, reljeefid on kipsist
    • Paigaldatav seinale nii horisontaalselt kui ka vertikaalselt
    • Kompletis olevad riputid on kinnitatud peegli raamile
  • Peegelkera – 100 cm / hõbe

    A classic, silver decoration tool for glamorous events.

  • Peegelkera – 100 cm / must

    Klassikaline, Must dekoreerimisvahend glamuursetele sündmustele.

  • Peegelkera mootor – 40 kg / DMX

    Peegelkera mootor kuni 40 kg koormustaluvusega.
    DMX juhtimine: kiirus ja suund.

  • Põõsas Fishtail bush

    Suur põõsas suurte pindade ja kõrgete ruumide kaunistamiseks.
    Tsementeeritud dekoratiivses potis.

  • Punased viinamarjad

    Roheliste elutruude lehtedega
    Sobib välitingimustesse

  • Puuskulptuur

    Unikaalne dekoreerimisvahend.

  • Puuviljad

    12 tk pakis.

  • Rohelised viinamarjad

    Roheliste elutruude lehtedega.
    Sobib välitingimustesse

  • Roomatt

    Saadaval kahes suuruses:
    1m x 5m
    2m x 5m


  • Roosa kirsipuu

    Looduslik joontega tüvi koos ca. 162 elutruu lehega.
    Roosivärvi kaunid õied.

  • Showtec Mirrorball Motor DMX 2 channel

    Mirrorballs until 50cm

  • Vaasikomplekt – Aafrika – 74 / 54 / 44cm

    Dekoratiivsete Aafrika stiilis vaaside / pottide komplekt.

  • Valge Hortensia

    Elutruude, veinipunaste lehtedega valged kaunid lilled, pilgupüüdjaks 100 võimast külma tooniga valget LED dioodi õite sees.
    4 tk komplektis.

  • X-POT helendav vaas

    X-POT helendav vaas on elegantne disainielement, mis sobib kaunistama erinevaid ruume, nii toa- kui välitingimustes.
    X-POT on samuti pilkupüüdev küüler või jäänõu.
    Anuma läbimõõt on Ø 49 cm