The Acer PD725 Projector is a XGA Conference Room Projector. This lamp based projector is capable of displaying 3,200 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 1024×768 . The internal DLP technology touts higher contrast, less visible pixels and more portability.
The Epson Europe EB-W29 Projector is a WXGA Conference Room Projector. This lamp based projector is capable of displaying 3,000 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 1280×800 . The internal 3LCD technology is an innovative 3-chip design that sets itself apart by delivering vibrant, true-to-life images with better color brightness and a wider color gamut.
3 x Brighter Colours and reliable performance* – 3LCD, 3-Chip Technology. Look for both high colour brightness and high white brightness.
Amazing Colour Brightness – 4,000 lumens colour and 4,000 lumens white brightness.
Crisp, Clear Resolution – Featuring XGA resolution for sharp images.
Epson iProjection – Wirelessly display and control from your iPhone®, iPad® or iPod Touch®, Android™, and Chromebook devices (wireless LAN needs to be purchased separately).
Wireless LAN Enterprise Security – Connect projectors in a secure wireless network environment (wireless LAN needs to be purchased separately).
Low Cost of Ownership – Long life, cost efficient lamp and a high efficiency filter extends the life of your projector and allows for hassle free maintenance.
Auto Power on – Simply plug-in HDMI, USB or VGA cable to turn the projector on.
Built in Speaker – Presenting is easy with a built in speaker.
The InFocus IN126STa Projector is a WXGA Conference Room Projector. This lamp based projector is capable of displaying 3,300 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 1280×800 , and is 3D capable. The internal DLP technology touts higher contrast, less visible pixels and more portability.
Panasonic PT-EZ570E 5000 Lumens WUXGA 3LCD Video Projector.
5,000 lumens brightness and WUXGA resolution
Eco-friendly filter eliminates the need for replacement for up to 12,000 hours
Flexible system integration and simplified maintenance
Daylight View Basic automatically adjusts lamp output according to the brightness of the projected images
The PT-EZ570E LCD projector features high brightness and excellent contrast ratio despite its compact design. It delivers readable images for a variety of applications, from classrooms and university lecture halls to technical presentations and corporate meeting rooms.
The combination of 5,000 lumens brightness and WUXGA resolution creates vivid, sharp, and colorful images. The exclusive Daylight View Basic function allows the PT-EZ570E to project sharp, high-resolution images without having to dim the room lights. This projector also features a low-energy design and is equipped with an eco-friendly filter that eliminates the need for replacement for up to 12,000 hours, optimizing its installation flexibility and simplifying its maintenance.
The Panasonic PT-VW340 Projector is a WXGA Conference Room Projector. This lamp based projector is capable of displaying 3,700 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 1280×800 . The internal 3LCD technology is an innovative 3-chip design that sets itself apart by delivering vibrant, true-to-life images with better color brightness and a wider color gamut.
The Sanyo PDG-DHT100L Projector is a 1080P Large Venue Projector. This lamp based projector is capable of displaying 6,500 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 1920×1080 . The internal DLP technology touts higher contrast, less visible pixels and more portability. The unique projector lens has the ability to be shifted to allow greater flexibility in positioning the projector relative to the screen.
The Sanyo PLC-EF31N Projector is a SXGA Large Venue Projector. This lamp based projector is capable of displaying 5,800 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 1280×1024 . The internal 3LCD technology is an innovative 3-chip design that sets itself apart by delivering vibrant, true-to-life images with better color brightness and a wider color gamut. The unique projector lens has the ability to be shifted to allow greater flexibility in positioning the projector relative to the screen. This projector was first available for purchase in April 2003 and has been by Sanyo.
The Sanyo PLC-EF60A Projector is a SXGA+ Large Venue Projector. This lamp based projector is capable of displaying 5,800 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 1400×1050 . The internal 3LCD technology is an innovative 3-chip design that sets itself apart by delivering vibrant, true-to-life images with better color brightness and a wider color gamut. The unique projector lens has the ability to be shifted to allow greater flexibility in positioning the projector relative to the screen.
The Sanyo PLC-XD2600 Projector is a XGA Conference Room Projector. This lamp based projector is capable of displaying 2,600 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 1024×768 . The internal 3LCD technology is an innovative 3-chip design that sets itself apart by delivering vibrant, true-to-life images with better color brightness and a wider color gamut.
The Sanyo PLC-XF60A Projector is a XGA Large Venue Projector. This lamp based projector is capable of displaying 6,500 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 1024×768 . The internal 3LCD technology is an innovative 3-chip design that sets itself apart by delivering vibrant, true-to-life images with better color brightness and a wider color gamut. The unique projector lens has the ability to be shifted to allow greater flexibility in positioning the projector relative to the screen.
he Sanyo PLC-XU48 helps you to make great presentations. The Sanyo PLC-XU48 LCD projector is easy to use. It offers excellent picture quality. This LCD projector can resize up to 1200×1600 pixels. This portable projector is compact and lightweight. So it can be used in diverse settings. SANYO is one of the leaders in the LCD projector industry. The Sanyo PLC-XU48 is made with only the latest in digital technology. This portable projector is ideal for medium to small sized meetings and conferences. The advanced digital technology of this LCD projector ensures bright picture resolution.
Not much larger than a laptop PC, the PLC-XU73 weighs less than 5.5 pounds and delivers true XGA picture quality in a versatile, go-anywhere system. Also may be ceiling or inverse mounted for enhanced versatility.
The VPL-FHZ58 laser projector is ideal for a wide range of business, education, and entertainment applications. Teamed with our BrightEra 3LCD projection engine, the advanced Z-Phosphor laser light source ensures detail-packed WUXGA resolution images with a generous 4,200 lumens brightness and rich, stable colors. Building on the success of Sony’s acclaimed first-generation laser projectors, advanced picture refinement technologies now ensure even greater clarity and realism with any input source.
Hassle-free automatic filter cleaning
Included powered standard zoom lens plus a wide choice of lens options
Supports HDBaseT
Project onto non-flat surfaces with Image Warping
Built-in Auto Calibration
Quick power On/Off dramatically cuts warm-up time after switch-on before you can start presenting at full brightness
The Sony VPL-FHZ65 BJ Projector is a WUXGA Large Venue Projector. This laser projector is capable of displaying 6,000 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 1920×1200 . The internal 3LCD technology is an innovative 3-chip design that sets itself apart by delivering vibrant, true-to-life images with better color brightness and a wider color gamut. The unique projector lens has the ability to be shifted to allow greater flexibility in positioning the projector relative to the screen.
The VPL-FHZ66 laser projector is ideal for a wide range of business, education, and entertainment applications. The powerful Z-Phosphor laser light source is teamed with Sony’s advanced BrightEra 3LCD projection engine to deliver extremely bright, detail-packed WUXGA resolution images with generous 6100 lumens brightness and rich, stable colors. Constant Bright maintains the same brightness throughout the 20,000 hours recommended life span.
Hassle-free automatic filter cleaning
Supports HDBaseT
Built-in Auto Calibration
Quick Power On/Off
Z-Phosphor laser light source
Reality Creation uses a powerful pattern-matching database to optimize every pixel
“Tehniline produktsioon” hõlmab põhjalikku teenust, kus meie laialdased kogemused ja teadmised on aluseks, et tagada iga sündmuse jaoks parim võimalik tehniline lahendus. Meie spetsialistid töötavad teie visiooni ja eesmärkide nimel, et leida kõige sobivamad tehnilised lahendused, alates heli- ja valgustehnikast kuni lavakujunduse ja visuaalefektideni. Me mõistame, et iga sündmus on unikaalne, ja seetõttu pühendume täielikult sellele, et luua just teie vajadustele vastav lahendus. Meie eesmärk on tagada, et tehniline teostus toetab sündmuse üldist kontseptsiooni ja aitab luua meeldejääva elamuse kõigile osalejatele.
Sündmuste disainilahendused
Meie sündmuste disainilahendused on loodud selleks, et muuta iga vastuvõtt või pidu unustamatuks elamuseks. Me mõistame, et erakordse sündmuse võti peitub sageli detailides – olgu selleks siis hoolikalt valitud elemendid lavale, laudadele või sissepääsu juurde. Meie spetsialistid töötavad pühendunult, et iga detail oleks läbimõeldult valitud ja sobituks tervikliku disainikontseptsiooniga, luues harmoonilise ja meeldejääva keskkonna. Alates dekoratiivsetest elementidest kuni funktsionaalse disainini, tagame, et iga nüanss aitab kaasa üldisele atmosfäärile, et teie sündmus ei oleks mitte ainult sündmus, vaid tõeline elamus.
Lahenduste müük
Mõistame, et teatud sündmuste või projektide puhul on klientide jaoks otstarbekam investeerida tehniliste lahenduste soetamisse, mitte neid rentida. Meie lahenduste müügi teenus on loodud selleks, et toetada teid nendes otsustusprotsessides, pakkudes konsultatsioone, müügipakkumiste koostamist ja tehnilise varustuse tarnimist. Meie eksperdid on siin, et aidata teil teha informeeritud otsuseid, pakkudes kohandatud lahendusi, mis vastavad täpselt teie vajadustele ja eelarvele. Olgu teie nõudmised mis tahes, meie eesmärk on tagada, et teie investeering tehnilistesse lahendustesse on asjakohane, tõhus ja jätkusuutlik, aidates teie ettevõttel või üritusel edukalt areneda.
Sündmuste täiskorraldus
Meie sündmuste täiskorralduse teenus on loodud selleks, et pakkuda teile muretut “võtmed kätte” lahendust, mis hõlmab kõiki aspekte teie ürituse planeerimisest ja teostamisest. Olgu tegemist koolituse, konverentsi, vastuvõtu, suvepäevade või festivali korraldamisega, meie meeskond on valmis pakkuma terviklikku tuge, kattes kõik vajalikud teenused alates ideest kuni elluviimiseni. Lisaks tavapärastele sündmuste korraldamise elementidele, nagu asukoha valik, tehniline tugi ja logistika, pakume ka ainulaadset teenust nagu ajutiste köökide ehitamine, et tagada kohapealne toitlustamine vastab teie ja teie külaliste vajadustele. Meie eesmärk on pakkuda laitmatut teenust, mis ületab teie ootusi ja tagab sündmuse edu igal sammul.
Foto- ja videoteenused
Meie professionaalne meeskond koosneb andekatest fotograafidest ja video-operaatoritest, kes on pühendunud teie sündmuse jäädvustamisele kõrgeima kvaliteediga. Pakume mitmekülgseid foto- ja videoteenuseid, mis vastavad teie vajadustele, olgu selleks siis ürituse oluliste momentide jäädvustamine, emotsioonide tabamine või oluliste sündmuste dokumenteerimine. Meie lisateenuste hulka kuulub fotokabiini rent, mis pakub lõbusat meelelahutust ja mälestusi teie külalistele, otseülekande võimalus internetis, et jagada sündmuse hetki reaalajas laiema publikuga, ning fotode printimine sündmusel, andes külalistele võimaluse koju viia personaalsed mälestused. Meie eesmärk on pakkuda teenust, mis mitte ainult ei jäädvusta teie sündmuse, vaid rikastab seda, luues püsivaid väärtusi ja mälestusi.
Tehnika rent
FunTIME rendiladu on teie usaldusväärne partner, kui vajate kvaliteetset tehnikat ükskõik milliseks sündmuseks. Meie mahukas lao valikus on kõike, mida vajate, et muuta oma üritus meeldejäävaks: tipptasemel heli- ja valgustehnika, professionaalne foto- ja videotehnika, mitmekülgne konverentsitehnika, ainulaadsed eriefektiseadmed, praktiline köögitehnika, stiilne mööbel, disainielemendid, vastupidavad lavad ja riputusfermid. Pakume paindlikke lahendusi, et vastata teie spetsiifilistele vajadustele ja eesmärkidele, tagades, et iga detail on arvestatud teie sündmuse edukaks toimumiseks.