Showtec Helix S5000 Q4 Washer
Bright 40 x 10 watt RGBW LED Washer with IP65 rating, suitable for outdoor applications. Its 10° beam angle can be widened to a 20°, 40°, 15° x 60° and 90° beam angle by using a dedicated beam shaper. The Helix S5000 Q4 LEDs can be divided into 5 separate sections for creating stunning effects. The Wash can be manually flipped 180° and can be controlled via W-DMX (wireless), DMX and Master/Slave in Manual and Auto-run mode with many built-in programs. The wireless connection is compatible with older fixtures using W-DMX, provided that only one mode (G3) is used. The Helix S5000 Q4 comes with a powerCON True 1 cable, mounting panel, rubber feet and Quick-Lock bracket.